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Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) accounts for a major portion of the Los Angeles County economy, and of the San Gabriel Valley in particular. With major international players like Cathay Bank (China) and Bank of the West (France) investing heavily in the region, links between the SGV and other countries are strong. So strong, that companies like the international juggernaut Alibaba chose to make the San Gabriel Valley their home when they expanded to the U.S. market.

The bulk of this commerce, 41.6%, is in trade - 22% wholesale, 19.6% retail - but there is a sizeable presence also within manufacturing (13.7%) and finance and insurance (13.6%).

% of Total FDI in Los Angeles County by Country

San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership

248 E Foothill Blvd, Suite 100, Monrovia CA 91016

Phone: (626) 856-3400    Fax: (626) 856-5115


Office Hours: Monday–Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.,
Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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